


CANDY is a series created in 2022. It combines AI and digital painting.

oh sweet candy, let me trust your taste

A bowl full of surprises.


CANDY is a series created in 2022. It combines AI and digital painting.

oh sweet candy, let me trust your taste

A bowl full of dreams.

March 15, 2023


COCOON - Tales from the cable

Out of the COCOON Series (2022).


Combined process of AI generation (using Disco Diffusion) and digital painting.

All the cows I ate - 2 - Nellie

Mini series (2022), mixed technique between Disco Diffusion generation & digital painting

AI Is Eating Our Dreams

When you can no longer decide who is the sender or the receiver you are living in a perfect loop

March 15, 2023

March 15, 2023


Gravity is the result of Stable Diffusion experiments. It’s part of a series of b/w portraits. I wanted to test how telling and emotional the AI-generated images can be. The selected output was upscaled and edited (light & contrast, colors, grain / perlin noise, etc.). But all in all I would call this a 80% machine-production. The 20% (besides the work with prompts and parameters) are curation and editing from my end.

March 15, 2023


Single parts of the collage are generated using Stable Diffusion. The AI related experiments were connected to the exploration of imaginary water animals (phantasy jellyfishes aso.) and a print-like illustration style. Then the collage-work started as a matter of exploration process - a dark and glitched composition emerged over time.

Digital Composition by Teriell 2022

the Red Carpet Paradoxon

digital composition by Teriell 2022

This is another deconstructive work which is the outcome of different working steps. Original assets have been created with AI-tooling. The rest was a process of digital editing and painting on various layers. Similar to the work ‘Scheinriese’ the context is connected to consumerism, fashion and visual trends in the cyberpunk era. Formally the piece is about abstract pixel landscapes and the dissolving of figurative shape.


digital composition by Teriell 2022

‘Scheinriese’ is adapted from the children’s novel Jim Button and Luke the Engine Driver (German: Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer) by Michael Ende. The (pseudo) giant Mr. Tur Tur is called ‘Scheinriese’.

The motivation behind this work was to create a super-saturated, over-the-top glitch-work showing some sort of fancy-futuristic neon fashion-deconstruction.

If you look closely, you may recognize the shapes of a catwalk. The work was called named ‘Scheinriese’, because sometimes things appear very bold and shiny, but when you take a closer look, they become smaller and smaller. The piece is not an intended comment on todays consumerism, but it would be wrong to say that it has nothing to do with it.

Winter Is Coming (Metalhead)

Delegated character expeditions in disruptive times

Winter Is Coming (Fallout)

Delegated character expeditions in disruptive times

random experiments

Iterating is part of the process.

Falling Green

AI + Digital Painting

LatentBohème 0002

LatentBohème 0003

LatentBohème 0004

LatentBohème 0006

In The Beginning There Was Chaos

AI + Digital Painting